By Lauren Mahncke
Over the past few weeks, despite the lack of
mainstream media attention, Occupy Wall Street has garnered up a lot of
discussion about the current state of affairs in the United States. Despite
differences in opinion on the movement, one thing that can be said about the
movement is that this group of protesters is making their voices heard. And in
a society that often prides fitting-in and conformity, a great lesson can be
learned from the Occupy movement— silence does not set you free.
I believe that the one thing everyone has in this
world is a voice, and this voice gives you power. When you start to figure out
your voice, you start to figure out who you are. When you begin to speak
out, it’s a lot harder to be ignored. Realistically, one voice cannot change
the world. But being a rebel in thought doesn’t get you very far until you
begin to speak and act on your voice. And when a lot of voices join together,
they become harder to ignore. Even if you don’t think you’re being heard,
speechlessness does not protect you, it simply hides you. Only your voice can
make your presence known.
For our generation, it is easier than ever to
make our voices heard. Blogging in particular is an easy way to get your voice
out, especially among your peers. So I invite you, the Stonehill community, to
submit your posts to this blog. State your claim, tell the world what you
think, and hear what others have to say. You never know who is listening.