Continuing the flow of on-campus artists gracing our blog posts, we knew we needed to track down Derek Krevat '13, member of the self-proclaimed Alternative/Rock group Foxglove. With a catchphrase as endearing as "give us a squeeze", we knew we had to find out more about the Boston-based trio.
RS: How long has Foxglove been together? How did the band form itself, and how'd you guys decide on the name?
DK: We've been together since 2010, but we went from a five-piece band to a trio in late 2011. We decided on the name because in my backyard, there are flowers that look like Foxglove flowers, which are really poisonous. We liked the idea that they were so dangerous but also pretty.
RS: Talk a little bit about the new release, "Strawberry Lemonade." What inspired its sound and lyrics?
DK: We're pumped that Strawberry Lemonade is out. It had been a work in progress for about a year before we started recording it. We started writing it during the summer, so we tried to give it a bright and summery feel. We just always wanted it to be the perfect CD to play on the way to the beach. Chris, bassist and vocalist, wrote most of the lyrics. He moved back home after four years of college, so the first track, Boomerang Kids, is all about moving back in with your parents after graduation and all the confusing but humorous feelings that come along with it. Most of the other lyrics are about love, relationships, and friends.
DK: We're pumped that Strawberry Lemonade is out. It had been a work in progress for about a year before we started recording it. We started writing it during the summer, so we tried to give it a bright and summery feel. We just always wanted it to be the perfect CD to play on the way to the beach. Chris, bassist and vocalist, wrote most of the lyrics. He moved back home after four years of college, so the first track, Boomerang Kids, is all about moving back in with your parents after graduation and all the confusing but humorous feelings that come along with it. Most of the other lyrics are about love, relationships, and friends.
RS: Who came up with the idea for the album cover?
DK: The album cover came about through my sister, who did all the photography, and I bouncing ideas off each other. We wanted the album cover to match the bright and summery sound we tried to capture. After a while of throwing around complicated concepts, we decided to keep it simple, and went for a literal but creative depiction of Strawberry Lemonade (the title track).
RS: Do you guys play a lot of live shows?
DK: Since my brother (the drummer) and I are at college, we try to play shows pretty much every time we're home for breaks. We've played a few gigs in Boston, including places like the Greatest Bar, All Asia, and McGann's. We also play a lot for our friends in our basement, and at parties.
DK: Since my brother (the drummer) and I are at college, we try to play shows pretty much every time we're home for breaks. We've played a few gigs in Boston, including places like the Greatest Bar, All Asia, and McGann's. We also play a lot for our friends in our basement, and at parties.
RS: What's next for Foxglove? Are there any music videos, shows, or EPs ahead?
DK: We are currently recording a music video for Boomerang Kids, which we hope to have up soon. We're having a CD release concert on November 24th, and are still working out the details, but it'll be posted online as soon as we know. After that, we'll begin work on our next EP, which we're hoping to record next summer.
RS: Where can we find you?
DK: Find us online at...
Strawberry Lemonade is also for purchase on and on November 24th it'll be available on iTunes.
Interview by Rex Macipinlac '13
Images from Foxglove's media sources
Images from Foxglove's media sources