Now let me first say, that I understand that the concept of folk rock is one that is very fluid and that differs between listeners. But when I think folk rock, I think Bob Dylan, acoustic Paul Simon, Neil Young, some of CSNY or James Taylor’s work. Most of this music has faded into the past, still being listened to by children of the 1960’s and 70’s, or even some of us in college now. Nonetheless, the last decade of popular music has been dominated by artists such as Ke$ha, Flo Rida, Pit Bull, and the list goes on. And yet, in the last 3 years we have seen a re-emergence of the more traditional sense of artists and musicians onto the popular music scene beginning in 2010 with the release of Mumford & Sons’ first album in the U.S., “Sigh No More”. All of a sudden, these foreign folk rockers were flooding American radio waves with amazing tunes like “Little Lion Man” and “Timshel”. To me, this marked a turning point, as what I perceived as “real music” (no offense to other popular artists, or their fans) was becoming popular. I could turn on a popular radio station, and actually hear a song or two that I enjoyed.
I think we have come to another impasse fairly recently, as the Lumineers’ new hit single mentioned above becomes more popular by the day, with I am sure many more to follow. It is hard to put my thumb on it, but pop music is undergoing some sort of progression or transformation, one in which we are getting back in touch with our musical roots. This may either be a passing fad, or perhaps a new era or popular music, either way I plan to enjoy it while it lasts. I will begin by returning to the House of Blues on February 4th to see the Lumineers bring down the house, bass drum, banjo and all.
Brendan Monahan '15
Image credit: Just Jared