Thailand Restaurant | South Easton, MA
A great restaurant within walking distance of Stonehill’s campus, Thailand Restaurant closed on Wednesday, February 23, 2011 in the late evening hours. It was 21 years of age. Though the specific circumstances of death are unclear, employees close to the restaurant revealed it had to close because they were unable to renew the lease. Thailand Restaurant is survived by numerous employees who are always friendly, attentive, and hospitable to both new and returning customers. Thailand Restaurant offered excellent food at very reasonable prices. It was well known for amazing Pad Thai, super curry dishes, and an excellent all-you-can-eat buffet. Thailand Restaurant was a great getaway for students and local community members alike. It was known as a great spot where families of Stonehill students can go when they come to visit for a weekend, or perhaps after move-in day in the Fall or move-out day in the Spring. A place where students could escape the bland weekend cafeteria food, it was something different and delicious. It was an ideal location for a date, with a pleasant atmosphere. It was respected for not following the norm near a college campus of being either a pizza place or a liquor store, but instead being a culturally diverse and more adult/real-life dining experience. Thailand Restaurant, you will be missed dearly by many
Allyson Hansgate